
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Puzzling behavior

On Shabbos Shuva our rav said to pick one mitzvah and try to stick with it. Since I have been really bad about going to shul on Shabbos I thought that should be a good one to start. I have been going to the hashkama minyan almost every week (minus about 2-3) since then and I'm proud of myself. (it was freezing this Shabbos early in the morning!!)

My hubby is gabbai and I love watching him "perform." Every week he gets up to say the Tefillah for the govt, the tefillah for Medinat Eretz Yisrael, and the Tefillah for tzahal.

People sit through all three!! I understand (but don't agree) sitting during the tefillah for the medina since many people don't agree that the state of Israel is "Reishit tzmichat geulateinu"...fine, don't stand for that. But...the tefillah for our government. Even if you don't agree with the policies of the administration and have trouble with them...we're still in the medina shel chessed. Think back in history - In what other countries were Jews allowed the freedom they have here? I always think of the gov't spies spying in shul somewhere in Europe when I say kedusha for mussaf, as that is the supposed reason they put the shma in kedusha.

And the tefillah for "tzva hagannah l'yisrael". Ok, you don't believe in the medina, but we do have a medina and it is tzahal who is defending this medina so that your sons and daughters can learn in relative peace in their yeshivos and seminaries.
Daven for their welfare. It directly impacts on the welfare of those whom you love.