
Monday, September 24, 2007


For some strange reason we subscribe to the Yated Neeman. I say strange...because it really is not our hashkafa, but my husband likes the biographies and Torah articles. I have gotten used to not seeing pictures of women (they published my friend's husband's picture when SHE was honored by a chashuv organization.)

There was a letter to the editor which really disturbed me this week. The letter was entitled: "a breach of tznius...in my mind." He/or she writes:
"...We must not overlook the importance of tznius. In last week's paper, you wished a chosson and kallah mazel tov on their engagement and went so far as to list all their siblings. I find it very deeply disturbing that such a choshavaeh and frum paper is listing girls by name. I think it is a huge breach in tznius, especially during aseres yemai teshuvah.".

Now, don't get me wrong. I am a big proponent of tznius, but I (naively??) thought tznius was a manner of dress, the way you act, the way you carry yourself...since when is listing a girl's name, a matter of tznius???? Please explain!


  • I have no clue...I am totally with you on this. I can't read the Yated, the typos make me ill. I find it appalling that they post pictures of men only when a couple is honored, or they don't even publish the wife's name!

    By Blogger SaraK, at 9/24/2007  

  • Sara...if it is a breach of tznius to name a female sibling then of course you cannot print pictures of females!!

    By Blogger BubbyT, at 9/24/2007  

  • Much of the frum world has lost its marbles. All I can do is not let it get me down-and it still does sometimes.

    By Blogger Jewboy, at 9/25/2007  

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

    By Blogger halfshared, at 10/26/2007  

  • It should be each to it’s own, not the tznius police. I welcome your comments on my http://www.simchawear.com/blog tznius topics.

    By Blogger tznius-lady, at 7/21/2008  

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