
Wednesday, January 31, 2007


It's been a long time...lot's going on...much reflection, things I cannot write about.
Purim is almost here..at least in my business that is. We have been spending the last 2 weeks working on mishloach manot for the business. We have 34 beautiful baskets that people can buy. MANY THANKS to my son in law (presence) who put it all up on the web for us at www.mostlysimchas.com. (maybe he'll now teach me how to put that as a link.) The problem with the business is...by the time Purim rolls around I am so sick of shalach manos that I just only want to send my one "chiyuv" and that's it...so if you feel I'm slighting you by not sending you...don't be offended, it's an occupational hazard on my part.

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