Driving granddaughters
Went to bed last night with the beginnings of a cold...ugh...I guess it's a combination of cool nights and evenings, hot days and lots of snotty nosed students (not to mention grandchildren with runny noses!!) UGh...I hat feeling like this...DH let me sleep late today...I didn't hear him stirring at 5 am...he did call at 7:15 to "wake" me..but I'm happy I awoke on my own an hour earlier. I hate rushing in the A.M. well...I still didn't get my preferred parking spot near the building...5 minutes earlier would have made the difference..and by the time I got inside...with my two preschool grandchildren who are my "carpool" the whole elementary was dismissed to make their way to their classrooms so the going was a little slow..gotta get up a little earlier tomorrow..and just leave a bit earlier...it's my "carpool" day off, so it's just getting me to school..so that should help..enough ranting!! Don't get me wrong...I love taking the granddaughters...they are sooo cute in the back..their conversations are a riot!!
Why am I always the last person to find out about new blogs? :)
Welcome and refuah shleima!
Natan, at 9/28/2006
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